Episode 309: IMPACT: A Non-Traditional Way to Build a Business

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After launching podcast episode 307: Starting a Business from Scratch, Erin received a lot of questions about how she’s grown her successful multi-seven figure business in a way that’s not only highly profitable, but also deeply fulfilling.

This podcast is a live recording from the Manifest Your Wealth private group where Erin answers questions about her new program IMPACT. This program sheds light on how Erin grows a simple idea into a full blown program in a very non-traditional way - by using energy and a whole lot of self trust. 

Big things coming soon! Manifest Your Wealth™ re-opens May 1st and IMPACT starts May 7th!

In this episode:

Why health practitioners tend not to invest in themselves [6:36]

Starting a business with an exit strategy versus heart-centered creation [15:43]

Getting clear on your own energy and letting your business follow suit [19:19]

How I go from divine download to curated program [27:30]

Learning to trust your “internal yes” and your “internal no” [29:40]

Using self-inquiry, meditation, and hypnosis to hone in on your soul mission, signature offering, and soulmate clients [33:26]

Resources mentioned:

Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™ (Last day to submit applications is 4/25!)

Manifest Your Wealth™ (Re-opens May 1!)

IMPACT (Starts May 7!)

Your Hormone Revival™ (Only available within the Funk’tional Nutrition Collective)

Manifest Your Health (Re-opening later this year. Join the waitlist now.)

Energetics of Expansion Business Course

Ned Natural Remedies (get 15% off your order with code FUNK)

LMNT Electrolyte Replenishing powder (Use code FUNK get a free sample pack with any purchase!)

Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK)

Qualia Senolytic (get up to 50% off and an extra 15% off your first purchase with link + code FUNKS)

Learn more about Strictly Biz & Mindset

Related episodes:

307: Starting a Business from Scratch

299: Manifest Your Wealth: Money Mindset

278: Magnetism & Aligned Action in Your Business

  • Erin Holt [00:00:02]:

    I'm Erin Holt, and this is the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast, where we lean into intuitive, functional medicine. We look at how diet, our environment, our emotions, and our beliefs all affect our physical health. This podcast is your full bodied, well rounded resource. I've got over a decade of clinical experience, and because of that, I've got a major bone to pick with diet culture, and the conventional healthcare model. They're both failing so many of us. But functional medicine isn't the panacea that it's made out to be either. We've got some work to do, and that's why creating a new model is my life's work. I believe in the ripple effect.

    Erin Holt [00:00:39]:

    So I founded the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy, a school and mentorship for practitioners who want to do the same. This show is for you if you're looking for new ways of thinking about your health and you're ready to be an active participant in your own healing. Please keep in mind this podcast is created for educational purposes only and should never be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. I would love for you to follow the show, rate, review, and share because you never know whose life you might change and of course, keep coming back for more. Hello, friends. How's everybody doing out there? At the time this is going to be published, I will be in Florida, sunny St. Augustine, soaking up the rays of sun. At the time of recording, I'm looking outside at the April skies of New Hampshire, and it's cold and it's dark and it's rainy.

    Erin Holt [00:01:32]:

    So I need that sunshine. Anyway, two weeks ago, I talked about three things to do if you are starting your business from scratch. And I cannot even believe the feedback I received from that show. I was so excited to get it. I was so excited that you all thought it was so helpful. I shouldn't say you all, but many of you thought it was so, so helpful. That makes me so, so, so happy. So today I'm going to share another recording with you that is kind of talking about how I approach the business and product creation, more on the energetic side of things.

    Erin Holt [00:02:06]:

    So two weeks ago, we kind of talked about, like, practical strategies, boots on the ground work, and today is more of, like, how I carry my energy throughout running a company, making decisions, creating, offering, so on and so forth. So this is a recording from when I went live in the Manifest Your Wealth group. We have a private group for Manifest Your Wealth. PS, I'm gonna be opening that back up again May 1. So stay tuned for that May 1. We're gonna open it up and you can join the group. You can join the group. So I was answering questions about a brand new offering I have called IMPACT.

    Erin Holt [00:02:42]:

    IMPACT is an eight week course for business owners and entrepreneurs and healers. And I'm going to teach you how to identify your true brand identity, create or refine your signature offer, attract your dream clients and set yourself apart in your industry. And we're going to do it an altogether new way. I promise you, it's going to be an altogether new way. I first opened up IMPACT to the folks in Manifest Your Wealth and within a week already half the seats are filled, including half the vip spots. So. So if you're interested, I probably would sign up now. We officially begin May 7, but I know that the seats are going to fill out before then or fill up before then.

    Erin Holt [00:03:30]:

    So anyway, offering, Manifest Your Wealth, offering impact, creating both of these programs, the whole experience has been so fascinating for me because I am truly just following my inspiration. What is really on my heart to create? I'm just kind of going for it. And in doing so, I've watched this whole new arm of my audience emerge. It feels like as I am building out a new paradigm of health and healing, I'm also building out a new paradigm of business. And it's not because I set out to be a business coach or to be a personal brand or anything of that. I just kept following, I just keep following the next right step, the next right move. What feels good to me? What am I excited about creating? For those of you who did Manifest Your Wealth, it's like I say, we're really good at asking what value does our work bring others? But we also have to ask the question, what value does our work bring to us? And I keep creating things of value for others, but also for myself. As I'm creating this, I am filling myself up.

    Erin Holt [00:04:46]:

    I'm excited. I am honored to be able to do this work. And I think people see that and they feel that and they want more of it. This is not, I didn't just set the end goal. I'm like, I'm gonna be a business coach. I just am following my path. And in doing so, I've built this beautiful business and I really genuinely want to share how I've done it and how I continue to do it, how it continues to grow and to evolve. The other thing that's really interesting to me, Manifest Your Wealth.

    Erin Holt [00:05:19]:

    I designed that for practitioners. Not because it's a course that only practitioners can take, but I had practitioners in mind. All of the practitioners that listen to the show, follow me on social media, and are interested in FNA, my practitioner training academy. I teach you in month six how to make money to pay off FNA. I'm like, what if I just moved that out in front and allowed you the opportunity to learn all of these things before? And we had, of course, some practitioners who signed up, but the vast majority of people, over 200 people signed up for that course. The vast majority were not practitioners. And I was like, oh, that's so interesting. And then IMPACT, same deal.

    Erin Holt [00:06:02]:

    I just thought, okay, my audience is half. You know, there's a part of my audience that people just looking to better their health. And then there's the other part of my audience that are practitioners. And IMPACT is not teaching you how to get healthy. It is literally teaching you how to build out a business or to grow your business in a way that feels true to you. And I think there's only a small handful of practitioners that have signed up for that. So there really is this other arm which are just entrepreneurs who are looking for a new way. They're so hungry for it, they're so thirsty for it.

    Erin Holt [00:06:36]:

    They're like, I need a new way of doing business. This doesn't feel good to me anymore. And I can tell you the way I am doing this, it feels so good. It feels so good to do it this way. I will just do a little like riff-a-rooney on this pattern that I've seen where practitioners, health practitioners are, I would say, and I've talked to other colleagues about this. So this isn't just what I'm seeing, but health practitioners tend to be a lot more willing to invest in continuing education than they are in their own business growth. And this is not a critique or a judgment or anything. It's just, it's really an observation.

    Erin Holt [00:07:16]:

    And by the way, as health practitioners, I think you should be investing in your continuing education for sure. That's important. And part of that is maybe not seeing yourself as a viable investment. You know, I talked about that on episode 299 where we talked more about money mindset, maybe just not seeing your, like, the ROI on you not being willing to invest in your potential growth in terms of business. But I think maybe more so depending on the type of health practitioner that you are, you can get stuck in the kind of institutionalized model, whether that's the insurance model or the hospital model, the clinical model of like, kind of like, this is how it's done. So you can be stuck at that level of thinking. This is how it is done. And with entrepreneurship, it really requires that you break out of any way of, this is how it must be done.

    Erin Holt [00:08:09]:

    Because if I think if you bring that into business ownership, into entrepreneurship, it can start to feel like graspy energy, like you're grasping at, you're trying to unlock the exact right code. You're showing up in places and spaces like online trainings, masterminds, coaching containers, grasping for the exact right way, the exact like three step process. And I mean, I've certainly been there. It was specifically when I hit seven figures. I started telling myself a story that what got me here wasn't going to get me there. And so I tried to move from being internally guided to externally guided and it flopped pretty much every, every single time. Like, I just, I hired the experts, tell me what to do, show me the exact right step. Every single time I tried to do that, it flopped.

    Erin Holt [00:09:07]:

    Thinking someone else had the answer to my growth, believing that someone else's roadmap could get me exactly where I needed to go. So I had to come back to myself. I had to come back to my own center. I had to come back to my own heart. I had to come back to my own instinct. I had to open myself up to receive inspiration, my divine downloads, as I call them, right? I had to come back in contact with myself and something greater than me. And the reality is that business trainings don't help you tap into your unique imprint, your specific coding, your individual frequency, your signature frequency. But that's what we need.

    Erin Holt [00:09:46]:

    That's what we need to do. That's how we don't get lost. That's how we stay creating content, creating programs, creating offerings, creating work that feels good to us. That is the ticket. And that's really what I want to teach you how to do in my new course called IMPACT. And I'm not going to tell you that this is the only business training you will ever need because I don't believe that to be true. But I will tell you that this is a repeatable process that you can use over and over and over again.

    Erin Holt [00:10:14]:

    Every single time you level up or build something new, no matter what level of your career you're at, you can weave it into any other business strategy that you do. And we do need strategy. To be clear, I think business, we need strategy. We need mindset and we need an energetic template. Say what? An energetic template. This is exactly what IMPACT is going to teach you, how to do, how to nurture and grow your company with the most integrity, the deepest connection to intuition and alignment. All those buzzwords, we're going to make them real because like, how can you do what's in alignment if you're not connected to your center, if you're not connected to your core? It starts with you. You're going to hear me say that in this recording.

    Erin Holt [00:10:58]:

    It starts with you. It starts with your energy. You go first. Your energy goes first. Your energy has to lead. So you better have a pretty strong connection with you or the whole thing comes tumbling down. So anyway, that's what we're getting into. In today's episode.

    Erin Holt [00:11:14]:

    I did want to pre frame it because you'll hear me talk about IMPACT. So in case you were like, what the heck is she talking about? That's what the heck I'm talking about. I do mention a bonus. The bonus has already expired by the time you're hearing this. Sorry, I wanted to offer it to my Manifest Your Wealth babies. For leaning with me, for rocking with me, for going for it. For trusting me enough to walk them through the Manifest Your Wealth experience. Reminder Manifest Your Wealth is opening May 1 and IMPACT is currently open.

    Erin Holt [00:11:39]:

    We start May 7. So join all the programs, have all the fun. Let's grow our business together. I love you guys and I hope you enjoy the show. Oh P.S. All the links to sign up are going to be in the show notes. I'm not going to read them here because we're going through some website updates and I don't know the URL's but they will be in the show notes. Okay, bye.

    Erin Holt [00:14:15]:

    Okay. Hi, I'm gonna chat about IMPACT. We've received some emails and DM's and questions about it, so I figured I might as well just go live, answer some questions, tell you what it's all about. I see, right? Of course. As soon as I go live, I see my husband pulling into the driveway with my daughter, so I might be interrupted. But I have the sound machine on that's like our. It's like our code word. That's like the sock on the door handle.

    Erin Holt [00:14:43]:

    When I have my sound machine on, it hangs from the door handle outside my office. And she knows, like, mom's working. So we'll see if it works today. Even if you're not interested in IMPACT, this might be a video to watch, to listen to. I don't know, while you're chopping dinner or something, because I'm just going to kind of talk you through some of the ways that I do business. And, you know, not for nothing, people pay me, like, a lot of money to hear me talk about this. And I'm just gonna tell you. I'm just gonna tell you for free.

    Erin Holt [00:15:10]:

    For free ninety-nine. That's what I do. But the reason that I'm coming on today is because the bonus that I. The bonus offer is going to expire on Friday. So I want you guys to feel like, rather than wishy washy, I want you to feel really like I know that I want this or I know that I don't. So you feel good to make a decision before the bonus runs out. So we're going to talk about IMPACT and there's a couple of different ways that you can approach business.

    Erin Holt [00:15:43]:

    In my experience, talking to business owners and entrepreneurs and like, just hustlers, some people kind of clock the end goal. They're like, this is what I know I want to create. Some people start a business with an exit strategy in mind. I'm going to grow this thing so that I can sell it. I think that's great. I can't personally relate to that. I'm like Leo DiCaprio and Wolf of Wall street. I'm more like, I'm not fucking leaving.

    Erin Holt [00:16:13]:

    I'm never fucking leaving. Like, I. This is, this business is everything to me, so I can't imagine exiting it. It is not a plan for me. Permission to change my mind. But that's how I feel now. But some people have this goal, this end goal, I'm gonna scale to this. This is what I'm planning to do.

    Erin Holt [00:16:35]:

    And then they kind of reverse engineer. In order to do that, I have to do x, y, z. That has never been the way that I've operated. It's not wrong. It's just not the way that I've operated. So what I pretty much always do is, okay, what is on my heart to create right now? What am I feeling called to do? What am I feeling inspired to do? I do believe that I am in co-creation with something bigger than myself. And when I create the space to open up the lines of communication, I'm pretty much always inspired. I never don't have ideas, you guys.

    Erin Holt [00:17:17]:

    I have so many ideas and not enough hours in the day. So inspiration is, it's just always streaming in and I act on that inspiration. So I believe that when we do the thing that lights us up, it starts a chain reaction. It's very attractive, it's very magnetic. People want to be around that, people want that. And I truly, truly, truly believe that that is the secret to my success. I've been, recently, I've been asked to be on a lot of different podcasts and just talk about my business. And so there's a lot of questions coming at me about how I grew my business.

    Erin Holt [00:17:59]:

    So I've had a tremendous amount of time to reflect on this and that's, that's kind of it. I follow what's on my heart to create. It kind of reminds me of a Danielle Lepore quote. The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel. So some people are just waiting for the destination, waiting to get to the destination to feel the way that they think they're gonna feel when they get to the destination. But I'm like, okay, how can I feel good right now? How can I do things that feel good that light me up right now? That's where Manifest Your Wealth came from. I think I've told you guys that. It's like, on paper, I'm like, this is a crazy idea.

    Erin Holt [00:18:38]:

    This is a crazy idea. Crazy timing. I'm gonna do it anyway because it feels fun and it's coming through me, so let's go. And, man, that was really, I'm so glad that I did. So that is my aim with IMPACT, is to teach you how to do that, teach you the ways to channel that, teach you how to carve out the space for that, teach you to receive the inspiration and then put it into action. Implement the inspiration. That's really what IMPACT is all about. And for those of you guys are here live, if you have questions for me, please don't, please don't hesitate to type.

    Erin Holt [00:19:19]:

    I can see the chat. So our energy goes first. So that means it's our responsibility to kind of harness and refine our energy, because our energy goes first. One of the things that we'll do in IMPACT is a business audit, but not in the way that you might think there. It's a series of questions, and it's a series of, like, truths that we have to get to be honest with ourselves. And this is something that I'm constantly doing. I'm constantly refining and curating. I'm doing this all of the time in my business, you know, every quarter, every six months, every, every year, at the very least, just to make sure that I'm still on track.

    Erin Holt [00:20:03]:

    And so one of the questions, it's really basic. It's what in my business is draining me right now? And P.S., you could do this for your life, too. For those of you who have done Your Hormone Revival with me, you know that we do this life audit. So one of the questions, what in my business is draining me right now? So I just did this because I'm always taking myself through the process of IMPACT, to be clear. So last week, I got out my journal and I was doing the old prompt skis, and I was like, what in my business is draining me right now? And the very first thing that I wrote down was the name of my social media team because it has just been a clunky fit. We hired them end of last year, maybe November ish, and it's, we just still had not found our rhythm, and both of us knew, like, it's not working. It's not fun for either of us. I'm, like, hyper overly involved in the process.

    Erin Holt [00:20:53]:

    The promises that were made were not being delivered. It was just, it was. It was not like. They knew that they were falling short. That's never a good feeling. Every single time I saw a notification from them, I was like, I, like, felt tension in my body, but I'm like, I don't have a plan b. So I'm like, we're just gonna keep on keeping on, so. But truly, that was draining my energy. Like, when I thought about my business, I'm like, that is the one thing that is the leaky, leaky faucet.

    Erin Holt [00:21:20]:

    Four days later, like, without incident or accident, like, nothing happened. Four days after I wrote that down in my journal, I got an email from the owner who said, I think we're done here. I think our time here is complete. And, you know, sometimes when you get those emails, it's blindsided. I was not blindsided. I was like, mm hmm, mm hmm. So this is what I mean. Our energy goes first.

    Erin Holt [00:21:44]:

    We have to get super, crystal clear on what we need. And to be clear, I'm like, I don't know what I need in replace of that. I just knew, my energy knew, my body knew, my nervous system knew, my higher self knew, my future self knew, this ain't it, and you're not doing anything that you need to do to get out. So we're gonna swoop in, and we're gonna do it for you. And that is the power of getting crystal clear with your energy. So. So that was, I think that was on Friday, and then on Monday, Monday, or today, you know, within the past 24 hours, I get an email from my marketing agency. So this is a separate agency.

    Erin Holt [00:22:26]:

    My marketing agency are like, oh, my God, I love them so much. I cry when I think about them because I just love them so much. They're amazing and they're incredible, and they're kind and they care, and they're invested and just the best. And I thought, like, I was maxed out with them. Like, I didn't think that they could take on any more than they were currently taking on for me. And they sent an email being like, hey, we have the bandwidth to do more for you guys. Like, do you, do you need that? And I was like, oh, my gosh, I do. And this is the perfect time.

    Erin Holt [00:22:59]:

    So when we get clear. And I wasn't like, oh, this is exactly what I need. I need exactly this position. I need exactly this many hours. I'm not talking about that type of specificity. I'm talking about clarity. What would it feel like to be supported? I've identified it. This doesn't feel good.

    Erin Holt [00:23:15]:

    This is causing me stress. This is draining my battery. So what would feel better? What would it feel like to have the level of support that I need for marketing? What would that feel like? And I can create that in my body. I can create that experience in my body. And then I open up to that and I change my filter. So I stop looking for all the ways that it's not working. And I say, I'm willing to see this a new way. I don't know the exact specific match, but I'm opening myself up and I'm trusting that the exact specific will drop in.

    Erin Holt [00:23:48]:

    It's like all the principles we talk about and Manifest Your Wealth, right? This is how I run my business. This is it. So when people are like, I want to crack the code. I want to get. I want to pick Erin's brain. I want to figure out exactly how she do it. She does it. I think people are looking for, like, the exact recipe, the exact science, the exact step by step process.

    Erin Holt [00:24:09]:

    I don't have that to share with you. I don't have that to give. That is not how I've done this. That is not how I've built a successful, highly profitable. I want to capitalize on that part to really highlight that, because we can talk about numbers and revenue and sales. That is not the same thing as profit. My business, my company is highly profitable, too. So I enjoy it.

    Erin Holt [00:24:31]:

    I love my life. I deliver medicine into the world. I get to, you know, allow people to thrive, and we get to make money. All of it. Everybody wins. Everybody wins, right? It's that same concept. But this is how I do it.

    Erin Holt [00:27:30]:

    So that's what IMPACT is all about. And for the folks who are asking for more details, totally understand the question. I might not have the level of detail to share with you that you need to be comfortable making a buying decision yet. So let me talk you through how I create programs. I have an idea, and it goes bloop. And it downloads in, and usually for like two days to a week. I am working around the clock like a maniac, like, compulsively getting the ideas out of my brain and onto paper. And so that's how IMPACT landed.

    Erin Holt [00:28:08]:

    Eagle has landed. And then from there, so I have this concept. Then from there, I float the concept out like proof of concept. Does anybody want this? So I open up the cart, and depending on how many people say yes, I get to decide, okay, people, like, people are into us. Okay. Whoa. Okay, people are really into this. And then from there, we set the dates, we arrange it, and I allow the rest of the program to download in.

    Erin Holt [00:28:32]:

    P's. I'm going to teach you this in IMPACT, too, but I allow the program to download in. And so we have, like, a rough idea of what it's going to look like, but we also allow it to. Based on who's in the container, based on the energies there, based on what's channeling on through, we kind of allow it to unfold. For any of you that were in my Manifest Your Health program, health with an h, you know exactly this. That sales page, like, had, like four words on it. I was like, I don't know what we're doing. It's something new, something kind of cool.

    Erin Holt [00:29:05]:

    It's a little jazzy, you might like it. And people are like, cool. That's enough information for me. I'm in. And based off of that, we built a beta program, but I really allowed that program to take shape as I taught the program. And then by the time we had a second group, I could fill out that sales page with more details because I knew what details to convey. So it's kind of the same deal with IMPACT is that, like, the details are going to fill themselves out as we create the program together, as we're in the container together. This is why the sales page says verbatim, this program is not for you.

    Erin Holt [00:29:40]:

    If. If you prefer to be told what to do rather than self source your answers, because if you are somebody who needs that, this program is probably not going to feel like a great fit for you. And I want to be really clear about that up front. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with needing the step by step template to follow if that's how your brain works and that feels so good and so, so nourishing for you, definitely have that. Like, it's great to have that self awareness and it's important to meet our needs, but I'm not going to deliver that in IMPACT. So this is kind of like training wheels. Like, can I make a decision without saying, Erin, here's all of my backstory.

    Erin Holt [00:30:27]:

    Do you think this is a good fit for me? It's a good way to practice based on all the information I've already received based on the feeling inside of my body when I think about this program, does it feel aligned for me? Am I getting an internal yes, or am I getting an internal no? And can I trust whatever is coming up for me? And so that's why I really, really encourage folks to make a decision about IMPACT based on that internal feeling, because it's so, so much of what we're going to cultivate within the program. So if you need me to say, yes, Sally Jo, based on everything you've told me, this is the exact right program for you. I'm never going to be the person to do that. I'm never going to be the person to be like, hey, you do my program. In fact, the way that my sales go. And again, we'll talk about this in IMPACT, about discovery calls and overcoming objections. I don't overcome objections. If you're coming to me with objections, I'm going to be more likely to say, yeah, if you're objecting the program, the program is probably not a good fit.

    Erin Holt [00:31:34]:

    I'm not a hard sell. I'm more like, I'm going to build out this thing. I think it's bitching.

    Erin Holt [00:31:40]:

    I think it's phenomenal.

    Erin Holt [00:31:41]:

    I'm going to put as much information on the sales page as I can that I have at this time, and then you get to discern is the a good fit for me. We're always happy to answer clarifying questions, so I never want people to feel like they can't ask questions. But that's usually my sales process. It's not like I'm gonna chase you down and try to convince you of why this work is so good, and especially if you've been through Manifest Your Wealth. You kind of know my teaching style by now. Like, did it land for you? Yeah, if so, IMPACT is probably gonna be a vibe for you. Did you hate it? I don't think you'll like IMPACT, most likely. So let me give you some of the details that I do have.

    Erin Holt [00:32:27]:

    So the first four weeks when we're in class together, we are going to work on more of the energy principles. It's going to be more like transmissions. Like, I'm going to kind of like teach in a very similar style in a very similar way to Manifest Your Wealth. We'll be on video because the videos are gonna be like an hour and a half to two, but 2 hours. What we're gonna do is chunk those up and then make them in podcast format too, just in case you prefer that learning style. I love that learning style. I love to, like, be able to listen on the fly. So you'll get, like, a long video, and then you'll get, like, the shorter audios, too, because these are things.

    Erin Holt [00:33:05]:

    These are definitely things you'll want to listen to, like, a few times over. It's like every time you listen, you'll kind of, like, receive a different layer. And I love coming back to these type of programs when you're in different phases of your life or different phases of your business, because you're going to hear different things every time. It's like, kind of my favorite part about this work. So we'll do some self inquiry. We'll do guided energy work where I will, like, take you through the process of, like, teaching you how to clear other people's energy out of you, out of your business. I do a lot of my business with my eyes closed in my head. I'm kind of, like, tuning into the energy of things.

    Erin Holt [00:33:47]:

    What does this offer need for me? I'm in the middle of two launches right now, so I'm always tuning in. Like, what does this offer need for me? What could I do? And that's how I'm, like, getting inspired to take the next move. And so I'll teach you that, that whole process. And then, and then we need to move into implementation where we're turning those insights into action. Because, yes, we can do our business in our head, but it can't just stay there. It doesn't help anybody if all the ideas just stay here. So all the downloads, all the guided insights, all the inspiration, then we have to, like, put that into action. And so I see the next, the second four weeks is being more action oriented.

    Erin Holt [00:34:30]:

    I consider them, like, workshops a little bit. Like, be prepared to work. Like, we're going to set the space so you can, like, kind of tear into stuff. I'll be there if you need to, like, bounce ideas. But we're going to set the space to create your own signature offer, to create your messaging, to figure out who is your, like, soul mate client. Like, the person that you just, like, love. I like you get so excited about working with Sandy. Just, I just saw Sandy.

    Erin Holt [00:34:59]:

    She might have left already, but, like, I got to work with Sandy one on one a few years ago. Like, mmm. Like, I got excited when she was on my calendar. Like, she was good shit, you know, like, those people, how do you call in those people that you just, you just click with, you just align with? You're just like, yes, everything's hitting, but I think what we do in business is, is we go backwards. You know, people try to create their signature offer without knowing what their signature is. People try to hone their messaging without knowing what their message is. So we have to start, remember, energy comes first. We have to start with energy and your energy leads.

    Erin Holt [00:35:44]:

    So we have to make sure that that's pristine. There's clarity there. We have to understand what our mission is. We have to understand what our, what our, what our. Why is, I hate to say why it's a little overused, but, like, why are we doing this? You know, what's our calling? We have to understand that first, and then we can translate it over into a bitching offer or offers into how we write copy, how we communicate with people, you know, into a launch. I've already, since I wrote the sales page, I've already reorganized some of the weeks. So I think the final week is going to be like kind of walking you through a launch. How do I launch this? I just built this thing.

    Erin Holt [00:36:27]:

    How do I get it out into the world? How do I hard launch it? Like Kristin Cavallari and her new 23 year old boyfriend. How do we do that? That's what I want to teach you. So I think I'm looking at my notes just to make sure that I hopefully answered all of the questions that came in. If you are not an entrepreneur and not a business owner, is this program right for you? I don't know. I feel like you could probably receive a lot of medicine from it. But in terms of creating an offer and attracting clientele, I don't know how that stuff would translate to somebody who's not creating content or creating programs to deliver to people. If you work for somebody else within an organization, I absolutely feel that this could translate. I might proposition your boss and see if your boss will cover some of the investment of this program.

    Erin Holt [00:37:22]:

    Me as a boss in my company, we have stipends for my employees for continuing education and personal development. So if my, one of my employees came up to me and was like, hey, could you pay for some of this? I would be like, hell, yeah. Like, and remember that conversation that we had in Manifest Your Wealth about value? If you feel that this is going to bring you value and bring in that, and you going through this program is going to bring value to the organization, make sure you communicate that clearly. So that's another option. If you're not an entrepreneur, if you don't run your own business, we're also going to do, just as an aside, this is not going to be part of the program, but there's going to be some like supplemental like modules and things on the side and I want to get into a little bit of like subliminals. So basically subliminals, if you've never done them before, I think they're great. I record them for myself all the time. But like basically you're saying mantras or you're listening to mantras set to music and so it's just like kind of like baking into your subconscious.

    Erin Holt [00:38:22]:

    I might do a hypnotic hypnosis in terms of like really getting behind your soul mission, really believing that you are here to, you know, like you're, you're really here to deliver something good. So, so there'll be some of that on the side as well. So that's the long and the short of it. Hopefully I answered questions again. The bonus expires on Friday. So if you want Energetics of Expansion, like I said, manifest your wealth to Energetics of Expansion. Expansion to IMPACT is a strong power play. So I think that that would be really, really cool, really exciting.

    Erin Holt [00:38:57]:

    Alright, that's what I have to share. Hopefully this was helpful. Love you guys.

    Erin Holt [00:39:00]:

    Thanks for being here. Thanks for joining me for this episode of the Functional Nutrition podcast. If you got something from today's show, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend, and keep coming back for more. Take care of you.


Episode 310: Ways to Naturally Increase Progesterone


Episode 308: Sleepy Girl Mocktails, Minerals & HTMAs