How to Return to Food Normalcy After the Holidaze

We're in that awkward gap between Christmas and New Year's where nobody knows what's going on and everybody is full of weird food. I follow a lot of anti-diet peeps on social media and the main message that is coming up in my feed is: DON'T FREAK OUT ABOUT THE FOOD YOU ATE. Get over it. Move on.

Totally. I agree whole-heartedly. But...I also have to make space for the fact that my schedule has been off for a week, sleep has been at a minimum, alcohol has been at a maximum, and I am eating foods that don't normally make it to my daily plate. Which leaves me feeling...subpar. And I think a lot of us are in this same boat.

This isn't about feeling guilty or bad for going all in on the sugar cookies. This is simply saying, I'm off my schedule and I'd like to return to normalcy, please.

When we eat a lot of sugar (or refined carbs), we tend to crave more sugar (and refined carbs). And what do we tend to eat during the festive nonstop holidays? More sugar (and refined carbs) than normal. 

In the video below, I explain why these foods can lead to subsequent cravings (and 2 other major reasons for food cravings). Eating these foods once in awhile? No big whoop. Strung together over the course of 5 days? Welp, that might be enough to hijack appetite regulation for some of us. And it really is so important to eat for true gut health.

If that's how you're feeling now, then read on for my 5 tips to return to food normalcy. And if you're looking to get started on a more structured plan LIKE TODAY? Then hop in on January's Carb Compatibility Project™—you will get access to the prep week as soon as you sign up!

My Favorite Ways to Return to Food Normalcy


Don't overlook the basics. Hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of filtered water. Processed foods are by nature dehydrating (since all the water has been processed out), so double down on the water right now.
Pro tip: Increase your intake of whole foods since they naturally contain water.


Protein is the most satiating of the macronutrients, and it also helps to balances out blood sugar (when you combine refined carbs or sugar with protein, it blunts the blood sugar spike). Pro tip: My go-to post holiday bender meals always include protein and greens. It's what I crave...for a reason!


Certain minerals like chromium and magnesium help to balance blood sugar. And chances are, your holiday fare wasn't exaaactly chockfull of minerals. So increase your intake of fruits, veggies, raw nuts and seeds, or consider supplementing with trace mineral drops (like these)Pro tip: these mineral drops help you to stay hydrated AND they make the transition into a ketogenic diet WAY easier (in case you're toying with the idea of doing the low carb thing in January). 


This one's kind of a NO DUH, but I threw it in here because so many of us get caught in the hole of "what's even the point...I'll just start again in the new year.” But that attitude just keeps us locked in more of the same blah feeling. TO BE CLEAR, this has nothing to do with burning off eggnog or repenting food's about feeling normal again. Exercise can help to regulate blood sugar, improve mood and improve circulation. All things we probably need right about now. Pro tip: Walking after a meal - even for 20 minutes - reduces postprandial glucose levels.


This is especially true if you've been loose with the libations. Milk thistle is a simple herb that herbalist Amy McKelvey discusses on the most recent episode of the Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast.
Pro tip: Apex Energetics Clearvite is what I use daily to support my liver and detox pathways. You can find it on my online dispensary


Some people simply thrive on structure and accountability. Some folks want to move beyond a bulleted list to seek out a more clearly paved path. Some are looking for a "hey, just tell me what I need to do" type of vibe. I got you covered in January's Carb Compatibility Project™.

In this 4 week program you will master:

Blood sugar control

Carb & sugar cravings

Protein (how much do we need??)

Proper hydration & mineral support

Pre- and post- exercise nutrition  

All while keeping your liver, hormones and thyroid SUPER happy

We offer the CCP twice a year. Learn more today.


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